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5 Potential Signs of Poor Metabolic Health

Our body is always communicating with us. A variety of different symptoms are how the body lets us know when something might be out of whack, or not quite right in the body.

But how often have you just reached for a quick fix thinking that will just make it pass? But it doesn't get to the real reason for what is causing it!

Is your body trying to tell you something about your metabolic health?

Pay attention to these 5 common symptoms that may indicate poor metabolic function. If you're experiencing any of these, it's time to take action and prioritize your well-being! Now this is not an extensive list by any means and these are not always the only symptoms that can appear for irregular health. They can be related to other things in the body.

1. Fatigue:

Feeling exhausted even after a good night's sleep? Fatigue can be a sign of poor metabolic health. Your body's energy production and utilization might be out of balance, impacting your vitality and overall well-being. ATP is what creates energy on the cellular level in the body. Without magnesium, the glucose transporters in the body can't bring the glucose (the energy we get from our food) into the cell to use for energy!

2️. Sleep Troubles:

Are you struggling with restless nights or difficulty falling asleep? Poor metabolic health can disrupt your sleep patterns, making it harder to achieve the restorative rest your body needs. Sleep issues can be related to a variety of factors including eating too close to bedtime, blood sugar spikes, and high cortisol levels keeping you in the sympathetic nervous system.

All of these can tie back to cellular functioning;

- insulin and glucose which tie to your blood sugar are impacted by magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, and sodium.

- high levels of stress (aka cortisol) can lead to low magnesium levels and oxidative stress on the body. Boosting and replenishing magnesium can help mitigate running low but managing stress is key here.

- magnesium and potassium are also needed to produce melatonin in the body which helps with falling asleep, sleep quality, and slow-wave-sleep

3️. Constipation/Bloating:

Digestive issues like constipation or bloating can indicate an imbalance in your metabolic processes. It's essential to support proper digestion and elimination for optimal metabolic health. This could be tied back to your cellular hydration. Without proper hydration, your digestive tract and bowels don't have enough water and you get that stuck/constipated feeling.

Trying to add in more minerals to your water with electrolytes (LMNT orange is my favorite and they come in easy single-serving packets, perfect for travel (get a bonus variety pack with your first order using my link) or incorporating mineral mocktails (check out a recipe here) daily.

Another cause could be low stomach acid, which is what helps with the breakdown of our foods. Boosting your stomach acid with digestive enzymes, bitters, or even something as simple as apple cider vinegar before meals can help boost stomach acid and improve digestion.

4️. Skin Issues:

Your skin can be a reflection of your metabolic health. It's the largest organ on the body so its often a way that any imbalances inside are going to show themselves on the outside. Acne, dry skin, rashes, or other skin problems may be linked to underlying metabolic imbalances. Nourishing your body from within can help promote healthier, glowing skin. The skin can be a way for the body to show inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and a lack of detoxification just to name a few. Leaning into proper hydration, eating a mineral-rich and whole foods diet, and supporting detox pathways can help keep your skin clearer. Not to mention using quality products on your skin (what we put on our skin is absorbed into the body!!). My favorite resource is EWG Skin Deep to see what potentially harmful toxins are in some very well-known products.

5️. Lack of Appetite:

If you find yourself lacking an appetite or experiencing irregular hunger cues, it could be a sign of metabolic dysfunction. Achieving a balanced metabolism is key to maintaining a healthy relationship with food and nourishing your body adequately. Blood sugar balance is a big one here -- if this is new to you be sure to check out my other blogs on Why you should care about blood sugar balance and 3 Easy Ways to Manage your Blood Sugar.

Insulin and glucose are impacted by minerals including magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, and sodium. Magnesium helps to regulate insulin in the body. In addition to zinc which helps with the uptake of glucose into the cells. Zinc is also involved in the production and function of several hormones, including leptin and ghrelin (your hunger hormones). Sodium and potassium are key in the body's fluid balance and muscle contractions (and you need the contractions of the digestive tract to keep things moving).

Prioritizing both lifestyle habits and food/supplemental sources that support mineral balance can help keep your hunger (but also the enjoyment of food) balanced!


These symptoms can be signals for various underlying factors affecting your metabolic health such as hormone or gut-related issues but they might even run deeper than that on the CELLULAR level.

Using a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test to help screen your mineral levels and consulting with an HTMA practitioner (hi, hello!) can provide personalized guidance to address your specific needs. You can check out my HTMA package if you’re ready to prioritize your metabolic health and unlock your full potential for vibrant well-being! 🌿✨


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