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Client Testimonial: Crystal 🏆

I love nothing more than when my clients have that AHA moment. Their wins are my wins! And I want to share them with you because it's the proof that you are capable of healing yourself by yourself, sometimes you just need to know you are not alone. I gotchu don't worry!

Check out my girl Crystal's success story after investing in her health & tackling that overwhelming feeling of wanting change, but no idea where to start!


Q: What were you looking for when you decided to sign up to work with me? What were you struggling with?

A: I was struggling with finding what my body needed and focusing on some attainable lifestyle changes that made me feel great. That is what I found working with you.

Q: What had you tried before and how did it go?

A: I tried an interment fasting diet to try and get lean and have more energy but I felt ended up feeling worse when I restricted my diet and felt like I couldn't enjoy food.

Q: What was the last straw for you that led you to saying YES to investing in yourself?

A: I noticed your content on Instagram and it was what aligned with what I was trying to accomplish.

Q: Starting out, what did you expect to gain from working together?

A: I hoped to gain more knowledge about food and nutrients that will help with my overall well-being!

Q: What would you say was your biggest “aha” moment during your coaching experience? How did you feel that you grew or changed?

A: I had two moments. Where they seemed to be small changes that made a major impact. The first was making protein and savory food my priority in the mornings. I was leaning on the sugary protein bars and coffee a lot to give me the energy through the day, but with some suggested breakfast options and adding in more hydration with electrolytes first thing in the morning, I was able to feel more energized and fuller longer. Being busy and traveling for work I often sacrificed my food but now I do not and I feel so much better after long days and traveling. I am fueling my body now.

The second was breathing, meditation, and boundaries. I struggled with stress from work and it made it difficult to focus on my mental health, but you supported me in making a plan to start small. I started taking a walk once a day to step away from my work and started meditating in the sun. Now that is part of my daily routine at work and I feel less tense and stressed.

Q: How would you explain the coaching process with me to someone who is going through the same challenges as you were?

A: The coaching process provides you with a way to start small but make a huge difference by breaking down and creating attainable goals. You will start out with just talking about routine and habits and then talking through solutions. You will then create your own goals and be supported by Jordan to reach those goals. What you are wanting to work towards will start to become reality.

As you start to create these good habits it will be easier to implement new ones. That is what coaching with Jordan has done for me, it has helped me focus on my big goals in subtle ways that have made a major impact.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with me or someone looking to change their health?

A: Having support from someone like Jordan is a major part of staying motivated. When making life changes that help your health from your mind to your body, support is so important.

Jordan helps align and remind you about that mind-body connection. If you are wanting to make a change to improve your overall health while having support along the way, working with Jordan will help you navigate the health world!


THIS COULD BE YOU! Just Imagine that! -- Actually do more than just imagine it. Let's make it happen. Schedule a free mini-session with me & let's get started!

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