With Summer right around the corner family vacations and trips are too! And I am here for it!! I mean we all need a vacation to disconnect and reset from our day-to-day, and to take time to spend resting and connecting with those close to us.

But not everyone gets excited about it because often there is a lot of anxiety that can come along with traveling, especially in the summer. So let’s talk about what you can do to feel good going on any trip this summer.
Switch up the movement
You don’t need to burn yourself out before vacation work outing out to make up for what’s to come & you certainly don’t need to come home feeling the need to work off anything! So find what works for you at the moment.
Maybe you are away from your gym or fitness studio for your upcoming trip but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Giving your body variety is good, plus this gives you a chance to tap into a different form of movement that maybe you haven't tried before or done in a while. For me my favorite is family vacations at the beach, I run more at the beach than when I am at home. It just hits differently.
Depending on where you go, maybe your surroundings influence that movement.

If you're at the beach maybe you try a run on the beach or sunrise yoga.
If you’re heading to the mountains, head out for a hike or mountain biking
I love finding studios of either workout I'm familiar with or new ones to try!
Family vacation? Grab them all and head out for a family stroll
Going to be somewhere where your time isn’t your own? Try a quick HIIT round in your room or outdoors for 5-8 mins.
But also - giving yourself the grace to rest is okay too! Vacation and travel are great times to give yourself a chance to recharge.
In the summer it’s really easy to find ourselves sipping on more Ice coffees, Arnold Palmer teas, or cocktails because they are so cooling and refreshing in the summer. But especially when you travel, staying hydrated is important to feeling good and keeping your body balanced. To stay hydrated while traveling I always bring a big reusable water bottle. I got mine from Homegoods (it's a hydro flask knock-off). This allows me to have plenty of cold water no matter if I’m in the car, on a plane, or on the beach. I also love adding in some LMNT electrolytes or lemon to my water to keep your minerals balanced, aid digestion, & it tastes good too!
Be present

Travels and vacations often fly by. Especially when it's filled with fun and you’re surrounded by your people or doing something fun. Take time to be fully present in those moments. What good is a vacation or trip if you don't remember any of it?
Leave your phone in the room when you can, put it on silent, or my personal favorite, Do Not Disturb so you can be fully in the moment. Take the time to enjoy the food, the company of friends & family, or the location you have traveled to without any distractions from what’s going on back home or at work. It will almost always still be there when you get back. And that nasty little thing called FOMO we often feel while scrolling, give it the little door slam. You won’t feel you are missing out when you take in what you have right in front of you.
Come Prepared
I am ALL about having travel snacks because there is nothing worse than being stuck somewhere Hangry. I have shared many of my travel snacks on social but these are truly my saving grace since sometimes I’m more hungry when I travel than when at home so having what I need is better than not.

I always try to have a variety of protein, healthy fats, and carbs that I know will sustain and fill me but also some yummy snacks that I still enjoy!
Jerky has become one that I rely on to get quality protein. Epic & Chomps are 2 of my favorites, with 9-11 grams of protein
Bomb Bars (filled with healthy fats, fiber, and essential aminos acids)
YES Bars (a little chocolate but healthy fats too!)
Fat packs (of nut butter)
An Apple or other fiber-filled fruit
Brami beans (more protein & fiber)
Bone Broth Packets (a protein on the go & warming without any caffeine!)
Find some You Time
As much as I enjoy spending time with others, I value the time I have to myself to reset and align with where I am and what I need. When we are surrounded by other people it's important to prioritize those micro-moments that you can make for yourself. This isn’t selfish and you do not need to feel guilty about this. When I have time to meditate, journal, or just go on a walk with my thoughts it allows me to come back to the group in a better headspace and enjoy the together time even more.
I love traveling and cannot wait for all the summer travels in store for 2022 but using these tools to help maintain my balance when I’m off of my normal routine, help support my still feeling good & make it that much easier to return home. I hope whatever travel you have coming up that these reminders can be helpful for you too!
If you have any favorite travel tips to share, drop a comment below or message me!