There is nothing like a good pasta salad to have as a staple for your summer festivities if you ask me. The fun part is you can make them in so many different ways and the flavor combinations are endless!
Check out this super simple roasted veggie pasta salad. Tons of colors, packed with nutrients and flavors & it will last up to 4 days in the fridge so hello leftovers!! I am a huge fan of leftovers.
Try it & let me know what you think!
What you need:
16 oz pasta (I love using banza or a red lentil pasta for extra protein, but any pasta will work!)
15 oz can black beans
1 red pepper, diced
1 bunch of asparagus, chopped
1 zucchini, chopped
Parmesan cheese (optional, you can leave out of use a dairy-free version)
Olive Oil to drizzle for the veggies
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
What to do:
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.

Dice up all your veggies, throw all but the asparagus on a baking tray, and drizzle with olive oil, and S&P. These will bake for about 25 minutes, but be sure to bake based on your oven. Let them cool completely afterward.
Boil a pot of water. Blanch the asparagus in the boiling water for about 4 mins. Strain & rinse with some cool water. You can then set it aside for now.
Cook the pasta according to its instructions. Drain the water, and then rinse with some cool water to cool the noodles down.
Combine all the ingredients for your dressing and whisk together until blended.
Mix the veggies and noodles together and then dress the salad with the dressing. Chill in the fridge until serving.

Great to pair with your summer favorites! One of my go-tos is pairing it with some BBQ chicken & Caprese salad. Pasta salad will keep up to 4 days in the fridge.
